Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What do you think robin was feeling when he decided to sail around the world? Would this be possible today?

I think Robin was feeling anxious and a little nervous. I say that he was feeling anxious because this was something that he wanted to do. It was his dream, and he felt as if he was prepared to take on the journey. I think he was also anxious because this was also a dream that his father had wanted to accomplish but did not. I think he was feeling nervous because he was concentrated on what his parents would think once he had left. He also had to deal with the consequences that might occur while he is on his journey. He had to deal with famine, shortage of water and also the fact that he was going to be on the boat by himself.

Yes I do think that this would be possible today. Actually I think it would be easier today because the boats today has more technology added to them. Another reason why I think it would be easier is because the boats today are built differently and the people that made boats at that time did not have all the technology that we have today. So I believe it was more difficult then because they had to be more problems with those boats. If someone would try to do this adventure then I think they should have a certain time that they should be back. To me personally it would only take 1 year or so for a person today to complete this journey. Unlike Robin which took several years.

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